Assistance to foreign researchers in establishing tax residency (A2.11*)
Administrative and financial procedures for foreign researchers conducting research in Romania vary based on residency.
If you are a researcher residing in an EU member state and have obtained a study certificate abroad, you will need to submit it to the Romanian Ministry of Education, CNRED. This is necessary in order to assess your certificate’s level, field of studies, and specialization in relation to the Romanian education system. The equivalence of diplomas is important for matching the position you will hold in the research project. Once an EU researcher has obtained recognition and equivalence of their study certificate, the next step is to submit a folder with their documents to the Human Resources Department. This will lead to the conclusion of an employment contract. The final step is to submit a formal request for a residence permit to the General Inspectorate for Immigration. The request must be submitted in person. The residence permit is essential, as it contains a 13-digit number that serves as a personal identification number (CNP). After obtaining the residence permit, the EU researcher can apply for a bank account in Romania and receive a salary. For more information on the residence permit, visit
EU researchers who have residence in one of the member states and can conduct their research online or without the need for physical presence in the country, are required to apply for a Fiscal Registration Number (NIF) from the National Agency of Fiscal Administration (ANAF). Researchers who are residents of any EU member state and hold a PhD diploma from an accredited higher education or research and development institute included in the List of Prestigious Universities in other countries, approved by the Romanian Ministry of Education and periodically updated, or covered by an international convention on mutual recognition at intergovernmental or inter-university level, can have their studies recognized by the university they want to apply for employment at. For more details, please visit:
If you are a researcher from a non-EU country and wish to conduct research and development activities in a research unit, for more than 90 days, you need to obtain an Acceptance Agreement. To do so, the authorized research and development unit must submit a completed and signed agreement form to the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, signed by both their representative and the researcher. Once approved, MCID will send back two copies of the Agreement signed in full to the authorized research and development unit. The unit can then send the document to the researcher via email, who can use it to obtain the necessary research visa. Additional information can be found here.
All researchers who reside in a non-EU member state, regardless of whether they work online or apply for a study program, are required to complete the Acceptance Agreement. This agreement enables Researchers to apply for a research visa, which is necessary to finalize the employment contract.If you are a foreign researcher residing outside the European Union and your research project does not require enrollment in a study program in Romania, you must submit your documents to CNRED for recognition and equivalence of study diplomas. For additional information, please visit
If you are working on projects and want to apply for a study program, such as a PhD, the procedure for obtaining recognition of your studies and enrolling as a foreign citizen will be different. For instance, at UB, there is an online application period, and the files received are sent to the Ministry of Education for verification and the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance. Afterward, you will take the admission examination and follow the enrolment procedure, which is detailed here:
The University of Bucharest also offers assistance to foreign researchers who wish to follow a study program to find accommodation. Priority for accommodation in UB dormitories is given to scholarship holders. Foreign researchers with residence in a non-EU country who managed to obtain the Acceptance Agreement, the research visa, the Letter of Acceptance (or recognition certificate from CNRED), and the PhD student certificate (where applicable) can then submit a folder with their personal documents to the Human Resources Department in order to have the employment contract concluded. The last administrative step is to submit a formal request for the residence permit to the General Inspectorate for Immigration (more information here). The request must be submitted in person and the residence permit is important as it contains a 13-digit number which will serve as a personal identification number (CNP). With the residence permit issued, the EU researcher may apply for a bank account in Romania and thus receive a salary.
Researchers with residence in a non-EU member state who choose to work online or for whom physical presence in the country is not mandatory to carry out their research in projects will apply for the Fiscal Registration Number (NIF) to the National Agency of Fiscal Administration (ANAF).
Required documents for drawing up the employment contract at UB
- Document of equivalence of studies (or Letter of Acceptance or declaration + proof of submission of documents to CNRED);
- Doctoral student certificate (for those who will enroll for studies during the project implementation);
- Copy of passport (and copy of visa page where applicable);
- Academic documents translated into Romanian/English;
- CV;
- The advice of the occupational health doctor (the aptitude note);
- The bank statement for the account where the salary is transferred;
- Employee Candidate’s agreement on the processing of personal data;
- Employee’s self-declaration regarding the employer’s Internal Regulation;
- Employment forms and job description.
For the other agreements, certificates, and permits the documents needed are listed on the websites of the institutions issuing them (links provided within the text). For more information, please contact us at scirescareer[at]
Bibliography :
ORDIN nr.1006 din 5 decembrie 2018 pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice privind procedura de avizare a acordului de primire pentru cercetătorii din ţări terţe în scopul desfăşurării în România de activităţi de cercetare-dezvoltare-inovare / ORDER no. 1006 of December 5, 2018 for the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the approval procedure of the reception agreement for researchers from third countries for the purpose of conducting research-development-innovation activities in Romania
Ordonanta de urgenta nr. 194 din 12 decembrie 2002 privind regimul străinilor în România cu completarile si modificarile ulterioare / Emergency Ordinance no. 194 of December 12, 2002 regarding the regime of foreigners in Romania with subsequent additions and changes
HOTĂRÂRE nr. 898 din 7 septembrie 2011 privind stabilirea formei şi conţinutului permiselor de şedere, ale documentelor de călătorie, precum şi ale altor documente care se eliberează străinilor / Goverment decision no. 898 of 7 September 2011 on establishing the form and content of residence permits, travel documents and other documents issued to foreigners
Guidelines for fiscal residence of individuals –
030 Declaration for fiscal registration declaration of entries/declaration of deletion for natural persons who do not have a personal identification number / 030 Declaraţie de înregistrare fiscală/declaraţie de menţiuni/declaraţie de radiere pentru persoanele fizice care nu deţin cod numeric personal (OPANAF 2034/2022).!ut/p/a1/pZNdT4MwGEZ_yy64pS90fHnHhhSmG4NpZL0xLAGGQVgYjr9vIcZY0U5iExIK5_RpHgqiKEa0Si5FnrRFXSVlP6f6s6d4uqea6ioIfANCLdqa5C5QIMQM2DMAfhk28D54ITB_4Uca2QKQ-YcvADif2BaADhA5jsvuQLnig_63_QsC-P27ZAmhs9lorm4My4vzLfzNj7DZv3ZvF9YOYD32RwGC_gjB4vwemJjPA8H8f_56av-8by6NqT7fP1av-U-ICo9o_wUGQHTEhSs84BEwLlm4goXFACGqOGLoURjBilohmpf1Yfjp93Z1wGaOaJNmaZM28lvDHh_b9nS-kUCCruvkpEoyuakl-Ik_1ucWxV8wtGPX6fXxc8RQ-IX_opWX-8y2Z7N3cCbwNg!!/dl5/d5/L0lHSkovd0RNQU5rQUVnQSEhLzRKU0UvZW4!/
Useful links: