Zi de Fizică: Trends in High-energy Physics

SciResCareer vă invită luni, 25 noiembrie 2024, începând cu ora 10.00, la evenimentul intitulat Zi de Fizică: Trends in High-energy Physics. Acesta va avea loc în Sala Bibliotecii Facultății de Fizică a Universității din București (Str. Atomiștilor nr. 405, Măgurele) și va include două prezentări și anume:

  • Dr. Pascal Pralavorio, director de cercetare la CPPM IN2P3 (Franța), intitulat First axion dark matter searches with MADMAX.
  • Dr. Serkant Cetin, Chair, Dept. of Basic Sciences, Istinye University (Turcia): CAST and more than CAST: A Dark Sector Probe for 20+ Years.

Abstract First axion dark matter searches with MADMAX

Dark matter is today one of the main puzzles in fundamental physics. Its contribution to the total mass of the Universe is 85% and it cannot be explained by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Several dark matter candidates are predicted in theories beyond the SM. The axion is one of the best motivated as it also allows to explain the absence of CP violation in the strong interaction.

The MAgnetized Disk and Mirror Axion eXperiment (MADMAX) is a future experiment aiming to detect dark matter axions from the galactic halo by resonant conversion to photons in a strong magnetic field. It uses a novel concept based on a stack of dielectric disks, called booster, to enhance the potential signal from axion-photon conversion over a significant mass range. In its final version, MADMAX will scan the uncharted QCD axion mass range around 100 mu-eV, favoured by post-inflationary theories. Several small-scale prototypes have been tested these last three years, allowing to validate the novel dielectric haloscope concept and perform competitive axion and dark photon dark matter searches. This seminar will give an overview of these results. The next foreseen steps towards the final detector will also be discussed.

Abstract: CAST and more than CAST: A Dark Sector Probe for 20+ Years

This talk is a review of the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) experiment. Highlights of the history of CAST will be given and its evolution into various different probes in the dark sector will be discussed with a timeline. The results, achievements and challenges throughout the lifetime of CAST will be presented.

Zi de Fizică: Trends in High-energy Physics este un eveniment organizat în cadrul proiectului Centru Regional de Orientare și Consiliere în Cariera de Cercetător – București-Ilfov – de la educație preuniversitară la cercetare avansată – SciResCareer, Activitatea A2.7.

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